Empowering Women in Logistics: Lara Fosnight

BIG Logistics does a great job of promoting a positive workplace culture within our walls. The women at BIG have the same advantages as men do when it comes to opportunities for leadership, management, mentoring, promoting and wage earnings.
In my previous work life, I worked for a structured cabling company as the office manager and we were the cabling company for BIG (then known as KFS). In 2008, the Seattle-based company I worked for decided to roll up their presence in the Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) market and head back to Seattle. Because I had a good business relationship with KFS at the time, I reached out to their IT manager to inquire about any opportunities they may have had open rather than relocate to Seattle.
I was hired in the front office working with the purchasing of foreign currency used to pay their international agents as well as other clerical tasks. About a year into that job, the owners expressed that they felt that I had a good attention to detail and thought I would be a great fit for their open international freight position, and invited me to learn. Fifteen years, a couple of changes of ownership, and a rebranding of our name later, and I am still here.
Although I know women have a mind for business equal to a man’s, we also know by nature, women are wired a little differently. I suppose that comes from our roles being mothers, daughters, aunts, grandmothers, wives, sisters… giving us an edge to articulate responses and solutions in a softer and/or more empathetic approach when a situation may need just that.
BIG Logistics also understands that we do employ some women that happen to be single mothers. We understand sometimes children get sick or have appointments, and at BIG, we support their need to be present in that most important role without worry of impacting their value within our company.
Creating a culture that empowers and encourages women to participate and communicate creates a place of security and safety by promoting women, mentoring other women within the company to take their next steps to become our future.
It also is nice that our CEO never lets Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or International Women’s Day go by without a company-wide heartfelt message of appreciation/recognition for the women within our company.
Find the things that drive you passionately.
Logistics is a fast-paced, challenging career field that is more rewarding than most would guess. Understanding the supply chain and its expectations is first and foremost for anyone considering the industry. Know that it is a 24/7 job as freight doesn’t stop for holidays. Expertise and success requires a commitment to continued education, patience with an ever-evolving market, and a strong team of passionate coworkers, managers and vendors.
As a career where you are communicating with all levels of the supply chain, relationships with vendors, distributors, carriers, manufacturers, government entities and coworkers, and being a good listener who enjoys solving complex problems are primarily important.
If you are a woman who thrives within a team environment, looks forward to continued learning in an industry that is always changing and evolving, and is motivated to take on the warped speed processes of logistics, then this can be a very rewarding career for you. The world depends on logistics. It is not going anywhere anytime soon. Consider joining the BIG Logistics team and learn why we’re ahead of the game.